Our target customers are operators in the power plant and industrial plant sector throughout the country.
Depending on the customer’s needs, the services may cover ordinary or highly specialised:
medium-long term framework contract for operators in the reference sector (renewable energy producers), covering all routine and extraordinary maintenance tasks.
Highly specialised activities
Electricity grid quality analysis to detect problems in the energy transport infrastructure Analysis and maintenance of process sensors or installation and maintenance of complex monitoring and remote controlled systems (SCADA or DCS systems)
The orders, lasting for brief periods for specific works or several years for permanent works at the customer’s plant, have involved major groups from the private and also the public sector, with company participation in tenders and the related qualification and selection process.
Plant for electricity production from vegetable oil and diesel fuel
“full service” maintenance, authorisation and management procedures, CTP • Province of Latina
Plant for electricity production from landfill gas
Design, installation, “full service” maintenance, authorisation and management procedures, CTP • Province of Perugia
Plant for electricity production from landfill gas
Design, installation, “full service” maintenance, authorisation and management procedures, CTP • Province of Perugia
Plant for electricity production from vegetable oil and diesel fuel
Design, installation, “full service” maintenance, authorisation and management procedures, CTP • Province of Grosseto
Plant for electricity production from ground-mounted solar photovoltaic sources
Preliminary design, authorisation procedures • Province of Perugia
Impianto di produzione energia elettrica da fonte solare fotovoltaica a terra
Progettazione, pratiche autorizzative • Provincia di Sassari
Plant for electricity production from ground-mounted solar photovoltaic sources
Design, installation, maintenance, authorisation and management procedures • Province of Sassari
Plant for electricity production from factory roof-mounted solar photovoltaic sources
Preliminary design, authorisation procedures • Province of Brescia
Plant for electricity production from factory roof-mounted solar photovoltaic sources
Preliminary design, authorisation procedures • Province of Perugia
Air emission treatment system of an anaerobic digestion plant (OFMSW)
Diagnostics, fault analysis, maintenance • Province of Belluno
Plant for electricity production from wind energy
Consultancy, management procedural assistance, maintenance • Province of Benevento
Plant for electricity production from wind energy
Consultancy, management andauthorisation procedural assistance • Province of Benevento